
The Museum Project – September 2014

First, I failed to share some information with you in my last column. I recently mailed an appeal to every Missouri State Representative and Senator along with the U.S. Representatives and Senators from Missouri. Unfortunately, the response was very limited. I do want to give a special thanks to Senator Doug Libla from Poplar Bluff and House Speaker Tim Jones from Eureka for making donations. Senator Libla sent $343 in memory of 5 LODD firefighters whose names are on the wall at the Memorial. You might call their office and thank them. Also call the others and see if they will make a donation for the Museum Project.

Museum-PatchOn a recent trip to the Smoky Mountains, I saw a “Firehouse Golf”, miniature golf in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. In the ticket office was a maltese cross with patches from all over. I am including a picture of it and hoping one of our creative fire fighters will volunteer to make me one to display the patches I have received. If you are interested and willing please e-mail me at ffammuseum@gmail.com and I will give you more information.

Recently I attended the kickoff event for the Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign in Jefferson City. They talked to hundreds of state employee reps about our project and distributed over 500 brochures. In case you have someone in your family or circle of friends who would like to participate in this campaign, our ID number is 8065. They can get the info they need in their department.

Museum-BBNew raffle items for September are: a basketball autographed by the new Missouri Coach, Kim Anderson and a child’s lunch pail. Go to www.missourifirefightersmuseum.org and click on “fund-raisers”. Buy your ticket(s) and win one of these items and help the fund raising effort.

Hats off to the Missouri State Fair Fire Department. I had a great day visiting them and talking to some of our state legislators. Thanks to Chief Kenny Hoover for his help with this visit. If you know of groups I can visit with, please let me know.

Dr. Ron Baker
Director of Development/Public Relations