Vice President Diane Hanes called meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
Asked if there were any corrections or additions to the June 1st, 2014, meeting notes; there were none. Jessica Miller made a motion to accept the meeting notes as they are, and motion seconded my Pam Carsten, motion passed.
Theresa handed out and read the financial report. Beginning balance was $4,351.77; income of $60.00, and expenses of $171.31 for a new balance of $4,240.46. Pam Carsten made a motion to accept the financial report as read, seconded by Sherri Berendzen, motion passed. Theresa indicate a check for the quilt raffle at the convention still needs to be written.
Old Business
Discussed that we need to order more Angel pins. Pam Carsten suggested we have the year engraved on the back of the angel pins. Pam and Sheri need to order these pins as soon as possible.
Sherri indicated she has not found anyone for the logo on the canopy. Jessica will check with her contacts. Sherri suggested we set up a system for the canopy to be able to sit on the trailer for the games at the conventions or other venues. She will look into this.
Committee Reports
Membership None.
Auxiliary Member None.
Poster Contest None.
Nomination None.
Historian None.
Sergeant At Arms None.
The last memorial was great. Diane is ordering the ribbon soon for next year.
Working on getting the rooms set up so membership can make reservations. Waiting to sign contract.
Still have about 30-35 cups available. Discussed we need to increase our stock level. Theresa suggested we order the mugs without the “Auxiliary” on them; and leave the area where the word “Auxiliary” word is now leave it a white blank spot, for individuals to write their name on them. At convention we were told guys would buy them without “Auxiliary” on the mug. Jessica Miller made a motion to order 144 mugs with the word “Auxiliary” left off and a white blank spot in that area, seconded by Pam Carsten, motion passed.
New Business
Discussion at last meeting was we were not going to have the posting of the colors with the large flags. Need to have small table top flags available. Sheri indicated she is still looking for flags. Theresa suggested we use the maltese ceramic sculptures as a base for the flags on the table. Invited Harriet Vaucher to join us to inform us about the sculptures. They are $50 each. Pam Carsten made a motion to purchase two sculptures to use for our flags, seconded by Jessica Miller, motion passed. Jessica will check into the appropriate manner we must follow for posting of the colors.
Theresa started the discussion about the process of making donations in lieu of flowers per our by-laws. The current dollar amount is $30. In the past we have not been consistent in making this donation. Discussed increasing the donation dollar amount or discontinuing making donations. Will table this discussion for the next business meeting.
Sherri indicated she is having a hard time finding some to make the table size flags: American, Missouri, and Auxiliary. She found the American flag for about $12, but not the others.
Sherry Hover asked what were we going to donate to this year? After general discussion, Pam Carsten made a motion to donate $1,500 to the Missouri Fire Service Funeral Assistance Team. Motion was seconded by Ann Jones, motion passed.
Jessica Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ann Jones, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox
Secretary Treasure 2014-2015