I apologize for missing last month’s newsletter. I could blame it on old age, but too many use that one. I’ll just confess, I forgot, but I haven’t forgotten the project to build a firefighters’ museum for Missouri firefighters. First, I want to thank individuals and businesses who purchased flags for the Firefighters’ Field of Flags at the memorial in May. While we only sold about 30 flags, we displayed 53. Several people who saw the flags from the interstate stopped in to get a closer look and some who came while I was present asked questions about it. This gave me the opportunity to share your project.
Raffle items on the website, www.missourifirefightersmuseum.org include a print of an oil painting of bible and boots, the print is numbered and autographed by the artist; a picture frame for firefighters, frame yourself or someone else; and a leather helmet shield with “343” on it. Raffle tickets are only $5 each or 3 tickets for $10 and all proceeds go to the museum project. I encourage all of you to purchase at least 1 ticket and to pass the word on to others. Items are pictured with this article.
One of the questions I get asked almost every time I share the dream is this; “What do you have to put in the museum when it is completed?” I have heard of lots of items that are being kept in people’s homes, garages, storage units, etc. What a shame it would be if these items were lost, stolen, or otherwise destroyed. A part of the Missouri fire service would be gone forever. With the building of a museum, that part of your history will be preserved in one central location for all to see. If you have such items, would you send me a picture and brief description so I can use these in future newsletter articles as well as on social media to call attention to our dream. Thank you in advance.
Recently I went on vacation in the smoky mountains. While there, I saw a firehouse golf (miniature golf). I took several pictures and plan to use some of them in future articles.
Thanks again to the Fruitland Fire Protection District for their donation of a 1964 Chevrolet (bumper pumper) fire truck. It is now on display next to the memorial in Kingdom City. It helps create awareness of your project.
Thank you again for the opportunity to represent you to various communities and groups. If you know of groups I can visit and share with, please email me at ffammuseum@gmail.com or call me at 573-220-8344.