
Personal Alert Safety System Donated

BolivarBolivar City Fire Department (BCFD) has been working in conjunction with Pattonville Fire Protection District (PFPD) to provide a much safer working environment on the fire-ground for BCFD firefighters. PFPD donated an entire Personal Alert Safety System to BCFD. This equipment is a Grace Industries TPASS system valued over $50,000 with all the donated equipment. This system incorporates an incident commander’s ability to directly monitor accountability, firefighters active pass alarms, and transmit an evacuation alert onto the fire scene through the TPASS system.

Chief Ludden of the BCFD states, “This system is a huge asset to BCFD, our department would not be able to afford such a system if it were not to the generosity of PFPD. It is our intention that we will utilize this system throughout the entire county. So this is not just a donation to BCFD, but Polk County as a whole. This is also a great example of fire departments networking across the state to create a better fire service statewide. I am very thankful for our department to be the beneficiary for this donation and am excited to begin training and utilizing this system in the near future!”