
Auxiliary Minutes – June 2014

President Chris Slaughter called meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.

Old Business
Chris Slaughter discussed per the 2014 convention in May we were adding three new committees; Memorial Service, Silent Auction, and Posting of Colors.

Diane Hanes from Galt volunteered to chair the Memorial Service committee. This committee will ensure the ribbons are prepared for the Memorial Service.

Theresa Cox suggested the Silent Auction committee be the existing Fund Raising committee. This committee is responsible for the silent auction, 50/50 raffle, sale of various items (tumbler, jewelry, angel pins, etc), quilt auction and such to raise money for the Auxiliary. Theresa suggested this committee be co-chaired together by Pam Carsten and Sheri Berendzen. Both agreed to co-chair together.

Chris asked if anyone present wanted to chair the Posting of Colors committee. It was suggested to ask Melissa Dahms or Danielle Arnold to chair the committee.

Ann Jones suggested the Fund Raising Committee put articles in the two newsletters prior to convention as reminders asking departments or individuals for Silent Auction items for the convention.

Poster Contest
Diane Hanes from Galt volunteered her department to judge the posters at the 2015 convention. She will ask if Little Dixie would want to judge with them again this year also. Diane will advise who will chair this committee from her department. It was suggested a sign in sheet be generated to formalize by departments and how many posters they bring to convention and a place for the winners. Theresa Cox volunteered to design the form needed.

Committee Reports

Meeting Note Corrections
The following changes noted from the Sunday May 4, 2014 Convention meeting notes; Lisa Williams is from Beaufort-Leslie not Warrenton, and one spelling error to change ‘their’ to ‘there‘. Pam Carsten made a motion to accept the meeting notes with the corrections mentioned, seconded by Diane Hanes. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report
Our beginning balance was $2,377.24. Income was $2,902.00 and expenses of $927.47 leaving a new balance of $4,351.77. Ann Jones made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report as read, seconded by Sheri Berendzen, motion passed.


Auxiliary Member

Poster Contest
Already discussed.


At the next convention we need a clear wall or a screen to show the Auxiliary history slide show.

Sergeant at Arms

Pam Carsten let the group know seeing her son’s name on the wall gave them peace and felt very honored.

Sherry Hoover asked if there was any decisions made on what donations were going to be made from our general funds. It was decided to wait to make this decision.

New Business
Ann Jones attended the NFFF Conference. She reported this event was awesome and inspiring. Ann praised the work Brian did to host such an event here in St. Louis. Ann suggested we invite Brian or Harriet to our meeting to speak about the NFFF needs.

Sheri Berendzen purchased a canopy from Wal-Mart for $141.31. Pam made a motion to purchase this canopy for the Auxiliary, seconded by Diane, motion passed. Now looking for a professional FFAM Auxiliary graphics to attach on the canopy.

Need to inquire if the Auxiliary will sell the angel pins at the Memorial Services next year. Discussion tabled till next meeting.

The members commented on how much they enjoyed the variety of vendors at this years convention.

Ann Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sheri Berendzen, motion passed. Meeting ended 10:12 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox
Secretary Treasure 2014-2015