
Auxiliary Minutes – May 2014

Business Meeting Friday May 2

President Chris Slaughter called meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. No posting of colors due to room restraints. Invocation: Sheri Berendzen read a poem “Labor of Love”.

Introduction of officers:
President, Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vise President, Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vise President, Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary-Treasurer, Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD, Historian, Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms, Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD.

Past Presidents in Attendance
Kim Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Janet Smith, Cole County FPD; Sheila Arnold , Central Jackson County FPD.

Roll call of departments completed by Jessica Miller, reporting 10 departments and 21 members present at the meeting. Robert and Robin Schrage recapped the convention events with the members.

Old Business: None.

Committee Reports:

Membership: Reported we currently have 101 members, 13 Honorary members and 19 departments.

The contest team was ready for the contest on Saturday morning.

Jessica Miller and Diane Hanes audited the checkbook and found no discrepancies. Financial records are in order.

Poster Contest:
Little Dixie and Galt will be judging the posters at 7:00 p.m. tonight, theme is “Kitchen Fires”.

Silent Auction/Fund Raiser:
Theresa Cox reported we have many new items available for sale such as knives, jewelry, tumblers etc. Have great items for the silent auction which will end at 5:00 p.m. Saturday night.

Jessica indicated no changes to the by-laws to report.

Janet Smith reported all current officers have accepted a second term nomination. She indicated a officers term is for 2 years and they can extend their duties another 2 years for the same position. Janet asked if there were any other nominations from the floor. No response from the membership. The committee recommends the current slate of officers for 2014-2015.

New Business:
The 2014 Memorial Services will be on Saturday night May 17 and Sunday morning May 18, 2014 at Kingdom City. Discussion about who was preparing the ribbons resulting in Diane from Galt will have them ready.

Sheri indicated we need to purchase small table top flags, American and FFAM Auxiliary flags, for future use. We have situations where the rooms where our meetings convene have low ceiling heights and our current flags do not fit. Theresa Cox made a motion we get a quote for two small flags one being an American flag the other the FFAM Auxiliary flag. Seconded by Angela Fields. Motion passed. Sheri Berendzen indicated she will get the quote.

Angela Fields asked about silent auction items. Indicated she has someone who can make a yard metal sculpture for next year.
Sheila Arnold made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Katie Schowengerdt, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m.
Business Meeting Sunday May 4

President Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD, called meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. The colors were posted and pledge of allegiance by all. Invocation read by Sheri Berendzen, “Fire Fighters”.

Introduction of Officers:
President, Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vise President, Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vise President, Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary-Treasurer, Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian, Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms, Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD.

Past Presidents in Attendance:
Kim Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Janet Smith, Cole County FPD; Sheila Arnold, Central Jackson County FPD; Joan Hahne, Washington Volunteer FD.

Robin Schrage read the Resolution. Joan Hahne informed us the Resolution is to be read by an outgoing convention host member and given to the next year’s convention host member.

Old Business:
Theresa Cox indicated no meeting notes from Sundays convention meeting would be read due to the change made at the meeting in June of 2013. After further discussion and review of the by-laws it was determined the meeting notes be read. Theresa read the Sundays Convention Business Meeting notes. Janet Smith, Cole County FPD made a motion to accept the meeting notes, seconded by Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.

Richard Gordon, Cole County FPD and Chair of Contest Committee, joined our meeting to speak to the mistake in calculation made during the contest resulting in the wrong results and trophy given to wrong team. He expressed his deepest apologies to the teams involved.

Roll Call completed by Jessica Miller, Norborne, reporting 14 departments and 41 members present.

Committee Reports

Treasurer Report:
Reported as of May 5, 2013 our beginning balance was $2,172.59. As of May 1, 2014 the new balance is $2,377.24. Theresa reviewed the details from the handout of the years transactions. Missy Erdel, Little Dixie FPD made a motion to accept the treasurer report as read, seconded by Diane Hanes, Galt FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.

Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie read the list of Honorary Members. She updated her list of long standing members with the help from the members present.

Sheri Berendzen indicated was unable to show the slide show this year due to the fact did not have a suitable area. In the future will assure the convention host team will know we need an area to present the slide show. She still needs pictures with names and information about the photos to add to the history books and slide show.

Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD, no changes made, nothing to report.

Auxiliary Member of the Year:
Janet Smith, Warrenton FPD, reported at Saturday night’s banquet Lisa Williams, Beaufort-Leslie, was awarded the Auxiliary Member of the year. Next year’s committee members will consist of Lisa Williams, Beaufort-Leslie, Jenny Smith, Warrenton FPD, and Delores Owensby, Beaufort-Leslie. Sheila Arnold reminded the members an Auxiliary can be nominated.

Diane Hanes, Galt FPD, reported they had 100 posters this year.

Pam Carsten, Cole County FPD, reported new records were set this year, this is due to the teams putting in many hours of practice. Had a great turnout. It is taking less time to complete the contest each year.

Jessica Miller, Norborne FPD reported Diane Hanes and herself audited the checkbook and found no discrepancies. Financial records are in order.

Shelia Arnold, Central Jackson FPD, the slate of officers recommend for 2014-2015 as follows; President, Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD; 1st Vise President, Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; 2nd Vise President, Susan Voss, Beaufort-Leslie FPD; Secretary-Treasurer, Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Historian, Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Sergeant at Arms, Jessica Miller, Norbourne FPD.

Sheila asked for nominations from the floor. No nominations were made from members present. Lisa Williams, Warrenton FPD, made a motion to cease nominations, seconded by Sheila Arnold, Central Jackson FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.

New Business:
Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD, reminded everyone the 2014 Memorial Services will be on Saturday night May 17th and Sunday morning May 18th, 2014 at Kingdom City. Discussion about who was preparing the ribbons resulting in Diane from Galt will have them ready.

Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD, asked if there was anyone who was interested in chairing the Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle next year? She suggested we create a committee to take this task on in the future. To be tabled for the next Board meeting.

Lisa Williams, Beaufort-Leslie, made a motion to accept the slate of officers recommended by the Nomination Committee by acclimation. Motion seconded by Katie Schowengerdt, South Metro FPD. All in favor (delegates only), no oppositions/abstentions, motion passed.

Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD, read a list of the last 2 years (2012-2013) accomplishments by the FFAM Auxiliary.

Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD, reported we made $1,315.00 from the Silent Auction. Sales of Auxiliary items we made $625.00. The Friday night Raffle we raised $100.50, and the White Elephants and loose change collected we raised $5.50. The grand total of all of this is $2,046.00. The Quilt Pam Carsten Cole County FPD, made and raffled made $241.00.

Chris Slaughter, Warrenton FPD, asked if anyone wanted to post the colors at next year’s convention? No volunteers at this time. Tabled till next Board Meeting.

Ann Jones informed the group next year’s convention is possibly at Osage Beach. She also indicated last year the Auxiliary donated $1,500 to the National Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation. She and her husband will be attending this year’s NFFF Conference coming up. It was explained the goal of the NFFF was to hold a conference for the families of a fallen fire fighter to attend at no cost to them. The families will have a chance to get information and support from other families and such. She will give us an update after attending the conference. Jessica Miller stated the Funeral team has received accolades for all of their dedication and hard work they have provided.

Retiring of the colors
Melissa Dahms, Beaufort-Leslie, made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jenny Smith, Warrenton FPD. Motioned passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD
Secretary/Treasurer, 2014-2015