The brotherhood of firefighters came together once again because of a line of duty death. Lt. Britt’s tragic death is a reminder that firefighters face different kinds of risks on every call they make. We join with all of you in expressing sympathy to the family and fellow firefighters of Columbia. Our prayers have been and continue to be with all involved. One significant tribute was the presentation of the U.S. Honor Flag. Several individuals were present at the Firefighters’ Memorial as they stopped with the flag. The ceremony was simple and brief, but very meaningful. Other tributes were meaningful as well.
The Winter Fire School was an opportunity to once again share the Museum Project with firefighters from all across Missouri. We were able to talk to hundreds of people about the dream of a museum. Thanks for the opportunity to be there. Only time will determine if the message is getting out to the rank and file. One highlight of the day was the presentation to the Historical Preservation Foundation of a portion of a bumper from a fire truck destroyed in 9/11. The Cainsville Fire Protection District was in possession of the bumper since 2002, it was given to two of their firefighters, Chief Ivan Powers and Greg Frost, for their assistance in the recovery efforts. It was their desire that the bumper be placed where it might be seen by a greater number of people. It is now in the tourism center next to the memorial. Thank you to the Cainsville FPD for their thoughtfulness in sharing this bumper.
Located on the opposite page in this newsletter is an order form for the “Firefighters’ Field of Flags”. Note that orders need to be placed by April 15 so we can have the flags and supplies ready for the flags to be posted. It would help if you would take this form and duplicate it and share it with individuals and businesses in your community. I appreciate all the help you can give. Last year we posted 105 flags, it would be great to top that number this year.
Winners of recent raffles, online and at the Winter Fire School are as follows: Joe Brant, Camdenton; Robert Woody; Albert Whalen, Brookline; Jeremy Denton; and Shauna Houston.
Once again, I am asking for your help. I would like to come to your communities to speak to individuals and groups about the museum project. If you know of a service club, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimists, Rotary, etc., or individuals who might be interested in either supporting the project or donating to it, please let me know. I will contact them and make an appointment to come to your city and talk to anyone who will listen.
Check out our web page for new raffle items. We have a delicious smoked turkey from Burgers’ Smokehouse in California, Missouri. When the drawing is held, Burgers’ will ship it fresh to you. Wouldn’t that make a great meal at your station? We also have a poster of the three firefighters with the flag at the WTC on 9/11. The third item is a miniature statue of the kneeling firefighter. Just go to and click on “fundraisers”. This raffle continues through the month of March.
Once again, thank you for the privilege of sharing your work and the dream of a museum on your behalf. It is an honest joy to be a part of this great endeavor.