
Open Call – District Nominations

By-Laws State the following:

“Article V – Section 6. Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen district Directors, a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms. Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of three years. Board of Directors shall be re-elected on staggered terms to be due for re-election on their third anniversary. The State of Missouri will be divided into thirteen districts with board members residing within the district, which they are elected to represent.”

There are five districts which will stand for election at the 2014 Convention in Festus, Missouri. All five of the Directors currently serving in these Districts have filed for re-election. Anyone currently listed from a department of good standing within the listed districts may submit their name for nomination. A district listing can be found on the FFAM website; www.ffam.org. Go to Officers – District and a state map is located at the bottom of that page. You must reside within the district you are running for.

At the time this notice being submitted to the FFAM Newsletter, March 1, 2014 there have been no additional notifications received for these districts. Nominations for District Director is open until the “Nomination Report” given during the opening ceremony of the FFAM convention May 2, 2014 in Festus, Missouri. Once the ballot of Director Positions are read and other nominations openly called for by the Nomination Committee Chairperson, all nominations for district level elected positions then close and no further nominations will be accepted. Voting only on those nominations will be completed by Sergeant-at-Arms reviewed and approved delegates during the Sunday morning business meeting May 4, 2014 of the FFAM Convention.

The following District Positions are open for election and open for nominations. The current directors, incumbent name and their community are listed below:

District 1 – Terry Wynne, Galt

District 3 – Larry Jones, Madison

District 7 – Robert (RB) Brown, Union

District 11 – Monty Thompson, Kearney

District 14 – Rick Dozer, Oregon

Anyone interested in running for District 1, 3, 7, 11 or 14 — please contact Keith Smith, Nomination Committee Chairperson at keith.smith@warrenton-fire.org or 314-709-0760.

You may also contact the FFAM Secretary/Treasurer Jaime Miller at ffam.jmiller@gmail.com or (660)429-1327.

If you are interested in running for a Director position, please contact Keith Smith or Jaime Miller prior to convention so a background check of your name being listed with a department in good standing can be verified in advance of the convention. Both of these key points require verification before you can be voted on and holding of office.

If you send an e-mail, please follow-up by phone to verify it has been received or call and let us know to be looking for. While FFAM tries to be 100% accurate in all administrative matters, the closing paragraph of this notice is very important and will be strictly followed.

For transparency of a fair election – if a name is placed in nomination during the opening ceremony and later found to be missing from the department roster or the department is not in good standing with FFAM – the name submitted for nomination is voided and will not stand for election. We say this only to provide an opportunity to verify and resolve any issues before the final call and close of nominations at convention as there will be no resolutions allowed to save a nomination after submission and the final call for nominations are closed. Such findings can of course be resolved AFTER convention.