Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The scholarship committee has more exciting news to announce to its members. The board of directors has granted the committee a extra $1,000 to our budget and we have put together an adult scholarship or a CEU scholarship for its members. The purpose of these two $500.00 scholarships is to help our members to help pay for a EMT, Paramedic, Fire Fighter 1 or 2 class, HazMat, or anyone just wishing to go back to school to get their degree. The committee felt this was a start, we know its not much, but we wanted to see what type of response we would get first.
The application can be found online at ffam.org. Click on the committee tab at the top and scroll down to the scholarship tab and you should find what you need. Applications can also be found with your director, assistant director or the committee. Applications are due February 28th at the FFAM office. Winners will be announced and presented at the convention. Any questions or concerns can be directed to me.
Grant Oetting,
Chairman of the Scholarship Committee