
The Museum Project

Happy 2014! My wish for each of our Missouri firefighters is a very happy new year!

  1. Museum ProjectAs I shared with you in the last newsletter, the Fruitland Fire Protection District has donated a 1964 Chevrolet Fire Truck with front mounted pump. Over the harsh winter months, we will keep it in storage, then in the spring place it at the site of the proposed Fire Fighters’ Museum next to the Memorial. It is our hope that this will draw the attention of the many visitors that come to the Memorial and the Tourism Center located adjacent to it. Below is a picture of the truck. Thanks to the Fruitland Fire Fighters!
  2. The latest winner of our on-line raffle is Joe Brant of Camdenton. He was the winner of a child’s pedal fire truck. Congratulations to Joe! Check out our web site; www.missourifirefightersmuseum.org for new raffle items. I need your help in encouraging people to participate in the raffles. This can be a substantive source of revenue, but it is imperative that you help get the word out.
  3. FlagsFirefighters Field of Flags: If you have been to the Fire Fighters’ Memorial the last two years, 2012 and 2013 you have noticed a display of United States Flags posted around the Memorial. In 2012, we posted 65 and in 2013, we posted 105. For 2014, we are going to make a few changes. First, we want to expand the display and include the National Fire Fighters’ Survivors Conference which is to be in Clayton, Missouri on May 4-9. We would like to have 343 flags to post at the site of the conference, then move those flags to the Memorial and keep them posted until Flag Day in June. Second, we will continue to sell the flags for $35, but instead of mailing flags to the purchaser when they have been taken down, we will retain the flags and post them again in following years. If the donor wants the flag, we will mail them, but there will be an additional $5 cost. In order to reach the goal of 343 flags, I need the assistance of fire departments and IAFF locals across Missouri. I am asking that at least 25 units commit to selling just 10 flags for this project. If we can meet the goal, we will receive almost $9,000 after expenses. If your department or union local is willing to join me in this endeavor, email me at ffammuseum@gmail.com or call me at 573-220-8344 and I will send you information to assist you in your efforts. Please don’t wait until the last minute because we need time to order the flags and make arrangements for posting them at the two locations!
  4. One other request: Various individuals have suggested a motorcycle ride in conjunction with the Memorial Service in May. I need individuals who participate with motorcycle clubs to contact me so we can see if this is feasible.
  5. I will be present at the Winter Fire School in Columbia in February. We will have information about our project and also have several raffle items for you to consider.
  6. It is a privilege to serve on behalf of the Fire Fighters’ Museum Project. Please contact me with ideas that might help us do two things – create awareness of the project across Missouri and raise additional funds to accomplish our goal.